卓以和院士因其發明分子束磊晶技術(MBE),將於今(98)年5月2日正式被選入美國國家發明者名人堂。用MBE 技術製備逐次堆疊原子層的薄膜,可以非常精確地控制至原子的尺寸,且具有前所未見的電學和光學性質,可用來設計電子元件,如手機射頻開關、前端放大器及功率放大器等。
卓院士於1990年當選本院院士,現任美國Alcatel-Lucent公司貝爾實驗室Adjunct Semiconductor Vice President,他的研究領域為Electronic and Photonic Materials and Devices。卓院士曾獲之榮譽包括International Prize for New Materials of the American Physical Society (1982)、Solid State Science and Technology Medal of The Electrochemical Society (1987)、World Material Congress Award of ASM International (1988)、Gaede-Langmuir Award of the American Vacuum Society (1988)、International Crystal Growth Award of the American Association of Crystal Growth(1990)、United States National Medal of Science (awarded by President Clinton, 1993)、Von Hippel Award of the Material Research Society (1994)、The Medal of Honor of IEEE (1994)、Elliott Cresson Medal of the Franklin Institute (1995)、Computer and Communications Prize of the C & C Foundation, Japan (1995)、W.E. Lamb Medal for Laser Science and Quantum Optics(1999)、United States National Medal of Technology (awarded by President Bush, 2005) 。