March 19, 2020

Academia Sinica Newsletter | No.1711


Catching Virus Fast!Academia Sinica discovered useful antibodies for developing rapid immune based test kit of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus

Right now, the only RT-PCR based SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus detection takes 4 hours or more. To prevent the pandemic spread of the coronavirus a faster way to detect infected patients is badly needed for effective identification and isolation of infected patients. Today, Academia Sinica (AS) proudly announced that the first ever monoclonal antibody specifically binding nucleocapsid protein (N protein) of the coronavirus has been successfully generated and tested, a work done by Dr. An-Suei Yang and his team at Genome Research Center in AS. If successfully developed and manufactured, the rapid immune based test kit could prove very useful in detecting coronavirus within 20 minutes just like a rapid influenza test.

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Scientist stands up for Human Rights: Academician Yuan Tseh Lee praised by the US National Academy of Sciences

Scientist stands up for Human Rights: Academician Yuan Tseh Lee praised by the US National Academy of Sciences

Academician Shih-Lin Chang Has Passed Away

Academician Shih-Lin Chang Has Passed Away


Taiwanese Sociology, No. 38 (December 2019) is now available


Dominant coral-associated bacterium, Endoziocomonas acroporae, can produce climate-cooling gas dimethylsulfide

Blood Drive Announcement

Blood Drive Announcement

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Published by the ACADEMIA SINICA / Biweekly

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