◆◇院區植物介紹專欄◇◆ 羊紫荊與艷紫荊   Discovering our campus plants 羊紫荊與艷紫荊 植物研究所標本館 劉翠雅 趙淑妙 羊紫荊花色較淺,花瓣基部收縮,有藥雄蕊3-4枚;艷紫荊花色 紫紅,花瓣較寬,有藥雄蕊5枚,較具有香氣。 Butterfly Tree and Hong Kong Orchid Tree Tsui-Ya Liu, Shu-Miaw Chaw Herbarium, Institute of Botany The major differences between Butterfly tree and Hong Kong orchid tree are in their flowers. The former has the petals which are pink and constricted at base, and 3-4 fertile stamens; while the later has petals which are red-purple and not abruptly constricted toward base, 5 fertile stamens, and more fragrance. 羊紫荊 英文名:Butterfly tree, Purple camel's foot 學名(Scientific Name):Bauhinia purpurea L. 科名(Family):豆科Fabaceae or Pea Family 分布:原產印度馬列西亞。院區種植於植物所北側及傅斯年圖書館 東側;植物所西側住宅區亦有零星栽培。 形態特徵:落葉(不確定)喬木。單葉互生,由頂端深裂成心形, 7-12公分長,約等寬,全緣;總狀花序頂生或腋生;於 晚秋或早冬開花;花萼管狀,單側開裂成佛燄苞狀;花 瓣5片,粉紅色;有藥雄蕊3-4枚;莢果扁平,約20-30 公分長。 本屬植物約300種,產於熱帶。台灣原生1種,引進栽培約14種。 Distribution: A native of Indomalesia. Cultivated at north side of Institute of Botany and east side of Fu Ssu-Nien Library; a few also scattered in the residential areas at west side of Institute of Botany. Characteristics: Deciduous tree. Simple leaves alternate, cordate, deeply 2-lobed at apex, ca. 7-12 cm long, and equally wide, margin entire; inflorescence racemose, terminal or axillary; flowering in late autumn to early winter; calyx tubular, erupted by corolla along one side when flower fully expanding; corolla 5, pink; fertile stamens 3-4; pod flat, ca. 20- 30cm long. This genus has about 300 species, with pantropical distribution. In Taiwan there is a single native species, and about 14 introduced species. 艷紫荊(香港櫻花) 英文名:Hong Kong orchid tree 學名(Scientific Name):Bauhinia × blakeana Dunn 科名(Family):豆科Fabaceae or Pea Family 分布:原產香港。院區種植於動物所及史語所之門口。 形態特徵:常綠喬木,枝條略下垂。單葉互生,由頂端深裂成心形, 9-13公分長,約等寬,全緣;花萼管狀,單側開裂成佛燄 苞狀;總狀花序頂生或腋生;花瓣5片,紫紅色,徑約8-12 公分,有香味;雄蕊5枚,與雌蕊反向彎曲;莢果通常不結 種子。可能是羊蹄甲與羊紫荊的自然雜交種。 Distribution: A native of Hong Kong. Cultivated near the front doors of Institutes of Zoology and History and Philology, respectively. Characteristics: Evergreen tree, branches drooping. Simple leaves alternate, cordate, deeply 2-lobed at apex toward the middle of blade, ca. 9- 13cm long, and equally wide, margin entire; inflorescence racemose terminal or axillary; calyx tubular, erupted by corolla along one side when flower fully expanding; corolla 5, red-purple, ca. 8-12cm across, fragrant; stamens 5; pod rarely with developed seed. Likely a natural hybrid between Bauhinia variegata and Bauhinia purpurea. 羊紫荊        艷紫荊(香港櫻花)