◆◇院區植物介紹專欄◇◆ 院區植物介紹專欄:月橘與軟枝黃蟬 Discovering our campus plants 月橘與軟枝黃蟬 植物研究所標本館 劉翠雅、趙淑妙 月橘(七里香、十里香) 英文名:Orange-jasmine 學名(Scientific Name):Murraya paniculata Jack. var. paniculata 科名(Family):芸香科Rutaceae or Rue Family 分布:原產熱帶亞和澳洲。台灣分布於低海拔地區。院區普遍種植 為綠籬植物。 形態特徵:常綠灌木。羽狀複葉互生,小葉互生,卵形,2.5-5公 分長,1.5-2.5公分寬,全緣;葉子對光看有細小油點, 揉之有香氣;聚繖花序頂生或近枝條末端腋生;花萼5 片;花瓣5片,白色,有香味;雄蕊10枚,有長短二型, 間插排列;漿果橢圓形,成熟時紅色,約1公分長,種 子數目1-2。 本屬植物約5種,產於熱帶亞洲。台灣原生3種。 Orange-jasmine and Golden Trumpet Tsui-Ya Liu, Shu-Miaw Chaw Herbarium, Institute of Botany Distribution: A native of southeastern Asia and Australia. In Taiwan, widely distributed at low altitudes Commonly cultivated as a hedgerow plant. Characteristics: Evergreen shrub. Leaves pinnate, alternate, the leaflets alternate, ovate, ca. 2.5-5cm long, 1.5-2.5cm broad, margin entire, leaflet; oil cells visible when seeing the leaf blade against the light, aromatic when leaflet crushed; inflorescence compact terminal or axillary corymbs; calyx 5; corolla 5, white, fragrant; stamens 10, 5 long, 5 short, alternately arranged; berry ovoid, ca. 1cm long, red, 1-2 seeded. This genus has about 5 species distributed throughout the tropic Asia. In Taiwan there are 3 native species. 軟枝黃蟬 英文名:Golden trumpet 學名(Scientific Name):Allamanda cathartica L. 科名(Family):夾竹桃科Apocynaceae 分布:原產南美。院區種植於植物所溫室南側及台史所北側。 形態特徵:攀緣性常綠灌木,折之有白色有毒乳汁。單葉3-4枚輪生, 披針形或倒卵形,8-12.5公分長,3.5-5公分寬,全緣; 花序頂生;花黃色,徑約7-11公分;萼片深5裂,花冠筒 狀,下半部縊縮,花瓣前端5裂,呈覆瓦狀排列;雄蕊5枚, 著生於花冠筒口;蒴果2瓣裂,種子有紙質的翅。 本屬植物有12種,產於中南美洲。台灣引進栽培2種。 Distribution: A native of South America. Cultivated at south side of the greenhouse and north side of Institute of Taiwan History. Characteristics: Scandent evergreen shrub, exuding poisonous milky latex when broken. Simple leaves 3-4 verticillate, lanceolate or obovate, ca. 8-12.5 cm long, 3.5-5cm wide, margin entire; inflorescence terminal; flower yellow, ca. 7-11cm across; calyx 5-parted; corolla of 5 joined petals, funnelform, the tube constricted at lower half; stamens 5, attached to the corolla tube; capsule dehiscing into 2 parts, seeds with paper wing. This genus has about 12 species distributed throughout the Central and South America. In Taiwan there are two introduced species. 月橘(七里香、十里香)              軟枝黃蟬