◆◇院區植物介紹專欄◇◆ 白千層與珊瑚莿桐   Discovering our campus plants 植物研究所標本館 劉翠雅、趙淑妙 白千層 英文名:Paper-bark tree 學名(Scientific Name):Melaleuca leucadendron L. 科名(Family):桃金孃科Myrtaceae or Myrtle Family 分布:原產澳洲。院區種植於行政大樓對面草皮四周,生命科學圖 書館西側。 形態特徵:常綠喬木,樹皮富木栓質,易片狀剝落。單葉互生,全 緣,脈五出,橢圓披針形,4-8公分長,1-2公分寬;筒 形穗狀花序頂生;花白色,花萼5片,早凋,花瓣5片, 遠長於花萼;小蕊多數,伸出花瓣;蒴果短圓柱形,種 子多數。 本屬植物約100餘種,主要產於澳洲,但亦延伸到新幾內亞和其他 馬列西亞植物地理區(含菲律賓,馬來西亞半島,蘇門答臘,爪哇, 小聖代島,婆羅洲,新幾內亞,西利比斯)。常被引進作為森林栽 植、行道樹、及防風樹種。本屬英文俗名是瓶刷子樹,因其筒形穗 狀花序之故。 Cajuput Tree and Coral Tree Tsui-Ya Liu, Shu-Miaw Chaw Herbarium, Institute of Botany Distribution: A native of Australia. Cultivated around Administration Office south lawn and west side of Life Science Library. Characteristics: Evergreen trees; bark flaky. Simple leaves alternate, margin entire, 5-veined, elliptical-lanceolate, 4-8 cm long, 1-2 cm wide; inflorescences terminal, in cylindrical spike, ca. 8-15 cm long; flowers white, sepals 5, deciduous, petals 5, much longer than sepals; stamens numerous, long exerted; capsule cylindrical with numerous seeds. This genus has over 100 species, primarily of Australia but extending to New Guinea and other parts of Malesia (including Philippines, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Java, Lesser Sunda Islands, Borneo, Celebes, New Guinea). In other region of the world the genus is often introduced and used in forestry plantings or as shade trees and windbreak trees. The common name of the genus is Bottlebrush. 珊瑚莿桐 英文名:Coral tree, Coral-bean tree 學名(Scientific Name):Erythrina corallodendron L. 科名(Family):豆科Fabaceae 分布:原產北美洲。   區種植於胡適紀念館外道路旁。   珊瑚莿桐—總狀花序 形態特徵:喬木。枝條及葉柄有刺,三出葉互生,全緣,小葉卵狀 菱形,7-12公分長,5-8公分寬;總狀花序;花萼鐘形, 暗紅色,花瓣深紅色,蝶形,旗瓣(最外層的花瓣)特 別長,翼瓣特別短;雄蕊10枚,合生成兩束(9+1)而 為兩體雄蕊;莢果約10公分長。 本屬植物約110多種,產於熱帶及暖溫帶地區。可能由鳥類授粉。 台灣原生僅1種,引進栽培約9種。 Distribution: A native of North America. Cultivated along the road beside Hu Shih Memorial Hall. Characteristics: Trees. Branches and petioles armed with prickles, ternate leaves alternate, margin entire, ovate-rhombus, 7-12 cm long, 5-8 cm wide; inflorescences raceme, terminal;calyx short tubular (or campanulate), deep red; corolla red, papilionaceous, standard much larger than wings and keel; stamens 10, diadelphous (9 filaments connate and forming a tube); legume ca. 10 cm long. This genus has about 110 species distributed throughout the tropics and warm temperate regions, probably all pollinated by birds. In Taiwan there is only a single native species and 9 introduced.   白千層—白色筒狀如瓶刷子的花序   白千層—易片狀剝落的樹皮