◆◇院區植物介紹專欄◇◆ 金露華與馬櫻丹   Discovering our campus plants 植物研究所標本館 劉翠雅、趙淑妙 兩者皆屬於馬鞭草科,亦是庭園公園常見的栽培觀賞植物。馬鞭 草科植物大多具有四角形的枝條,葉對生;兩性花左右對稱,雄蕊 4枚,2長2短,雌蕊1枚,心皮多為2室;果實為頭狀含許多小粒的 核果或為單粒核果,種子單粒或4粒。全世界約有90屬2600種或更多, 台灣原生及歸化者約有10屬36種。 Creeping Sky Flower and Common Lantana Tsui-Ya Liu, Shu-Miaw Chaw Herbarium, Institute of Botany Both species belong to Verbenaceae (Verbena family), and are commonly cultivated in gardens. In this family, most taxa have quadrangular stems or twigs, usually opposite leaves, and bisexual flowers. Flowers typically zygomorphic with 4 stamens (2 long and 2 short) and 1 pistil. The ovary usually has as many lobes as locules, carpels mostly 2 (4 in Duranta). Fruit generally is a head of 1-seeded separating nutlets or a drupe (a freshly 1-seeded indehiscent fruit with seed enclosed in a stony endocarp; stone fruit; pit fruit). The Verbenaceae are predominately tropical or subtropical, and composed of about 90 genera and 2600 or more species. There are 10 native and naturalized genera in Taiwan. 金露華(金露花) 英文名:Creeping sky flower 學名(Scientific Name):Duranta repens L. 科名(Family):馬鞭草科Verbenaceae or Verbena Family 分布:原產南美,為引進栽培的庭園觀賞植物。      為常見的綠籬植物之一,院區普遍種植。        金露華紫花及黃熟果(彭鏡毅攝) 形態特徵:灌木或小喬木,枝有四稜;葉對生,橢圓形至卵形,4-9 公分長,2-3.5公分寬,近全緣,葉面及葉背光滑;頂生 或腋生總狀花序約10-20公分長,花淡紫色,約5公厘寬; 核果成熟時黃色,球形,約8公厘長。 本屬植物有36種,原產於熱帶美洲及南美洲,多種已在 亞洲歸化。台灣本屬僅此一種,已逸出馴化。 Distribution: A native of South America. Commonly cultivated on the campus. One of the most popular hedgerow plants in Taiwan. Characteristics: Shrubs to small trees. Leaves opposite, elliptical to ovate, 4-9 cm long, 2-3.5 cm wide, margin nearly entire, glabrous on both sides; inflorescences raceme, terminal or axillary, ca. 5-15 cm long; flowers light purple, ca. 1.6 cm across; drupes globose, yellowish, ca. 8 mm across. This genus has 36 species, originally from tropical America and South America. The present species has escaped from cultivation in Taiwan. 馬櫻丹(五色梅) 英文名:Common lantana 學名(Scientific Name):Lantana camara L.    馬櫻丹 花色繁多 分布:原產美洲,為引進栽培的庭園觀賞或綠籬植物。院區內種植 於植物所溫室外近郵局之圍籬邊,及胡適紀念館外圍較多。 形態特徵:常綠灌木,枝條有小鉤刺,有刺激性氣;單葉對生,闊 卵形,3.5-7(-10)公分長,3-4公分寬,葉緣鋸齒狀, 葉基略心形,葉面及葉背被粗毛;全年開花,頭狀花序 腋生,花色繁多,有黃色、橙色、粉紅色等栽培品種, 小花筒狀,約7公厘寬;小核果成熟時黑色,球形,肉質, 光滑,徑約5公厘。 本屬植物約有150種,分布於熱帶美洲,亞熱帶非洲及南 非(少數),為熱帶區常引進栽培的庭園觀賞植物或綠 籬植物,但有些已成為有害的雜草。本種在台灣已馴化 且廣泛分布於低海拔地區。 Distribution: A native of America. Cultivated beside the fence of greenhouse near the post office, and outside the Hu Shih Memorial Hall. Characteristics: Shrub, armed with some prickles, with strong smell. Simple leaves opposite, oval, 3.5-7 (-10) cm long, 3-4 cm wide, margin serrate, base subcordate, scabrous on both sides; flowering through the year, capitate inflorescence axillary, flowers with various colors, tubular shaped, ca. 7 mm across; nutlets black when ripe, globose, glossy, ca. 5 mm across. This genus has 150 species in tropical America, tropical and South Africa (few). Often introduced and used for hedges, but some become pernicious weeds. In Taiwan, this species has been widely naturalized in lowlands as common weeds.