◆◇院區植物介紹專欄◇◆ 院區植物介紹: 龍柏與側柏 Discovering our campus plants 龍柏與側柏 陳建志、趙淑妙 龍柏小枝排列呈立體狀;側柏小枝排列在同一平面、扁平而側立。 龍柏毬果肉質,熟時不開裂;側柏毬果木質,熟時開裂。 Dragon juniper and Eastern arborvitae Chien-Chih Chen, Shu-Miaw Chaw The differences between Dragon juniper and Eastern arborvitae are as follows:In the former young branches are arranged in three-dimensions while in the latter are flattened and arranged close to the same plane. In the former the mature cones are fleshy and indehiscent but in the latter are woody and dehiscent. 龍柏 英文名:Dragon juniper 學名(Scientific Name):Juniperus chinensis L. var. kaizuka Hort. ex Endl. 科名(Family):Cupressaceae or Cypress family 分  布:分布於日本、中國大陸。台灣全島栽培。院區於各所門 前多有栽植。 形態特徵:常綠小喬木,樹姿呈細尖塔形,主幹常旋轉;葉幾乎全 為鱗片狀,少數為針狀葉;毬果藍綠色,肉質,略被蠟 粉,熟時不開裂。 本屬植物根據記載,全世界約60種。廣布於北半球,南半球較少。 Distribution: Japan and China. The most commonly cultivated juniper in Taiwan. Widely cultivated on the campus. Characteristics: Evergreen small trees. The shape like narrow pagoda with spiral trunk. Leaves dimorphic: most scale-like and few short needle-shaped. Mature cones blue-green, fleshy, berry- like and indehiscent. The genus Juniperus, represented by 60 species, mostly distributes in northern hemisphere, few in southern hemisphere. 側柏 英文名:Eastern arborvitae 學名(Scientific Name):Thuja orientalis L. 科名(Family):Cupressaceae or Cypress family 分  布:原產於中國大陸。院區栽於近代史研究所東側及南側, 資訊科學研究所西側以,統計科學研究所門前,及植物 後宿舍區。 形態特徵:常綠灌木或小喬木,小枝扁平且互相排列在近同一平面 上。毬果木質,熟時會開裂。 據文獻記載,這一屬全世界有6種,分布於美國、日本、韓國與中國。 Distribution: Native in Mainland China. Cultivated at the east and south sides of Institute of Modern History, west side of Institute of Information Science, the front of the Institute of Statistical Science, and the residential area behind the Institute of Botany. Characteristics: Evergreen shrubs or small trees. The young branches are flattened and arranged close to the same plane. Mature cones are woody and dehiscent. This genus has six species (and include many cultivars) which range in North America, Japan, Korea, and China.