◆◇學術研討會◇◆ 第一次金石畫像拓片數位典藏技術研討會 (The First Workshop of the Chinese Rubbings Project) 時間:民國八十九年八月廿四日(星期四)至八月廿五日(星期五) (Time: August 24-25, 2000) 地點:中央研究院歷史語言研究所研究大樓二樓演講廳 (Venue: Lecture Hall, 2nd Floor, Research Building, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica) 主辦單位:中央研究院歷史語言研究所、計算中心 (Organizers: Institute of History and Philology, Computing Centre, Academia Sinica) 議程(Schedule) 八月廿四日(星期四)(August 24) 08:30-09:00 報  到(Registration) 09:00-09:10 致歡迎辭—黃寬重代所長、林誠謙主任 (Opening Remarks by Huang Kuan-chung and Simon Lin) 09:10-10:20 鍾柏生、陳昭容、袁國華 (Jung Bor-sheng, Chen Chao-zung, Yuan Kwok-wa) 中央研究院歷史語言研究所藏甲骨、金文拓片 (The Collection of Rubbings of Oracle Bones and Bronzes in the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica) 盧錦堂(Lu Jingtang) 國家圖書館(台北)金石拓片蒐集與整理的概況 (Collection and Management of Rubbings in the National Library, Taipei) 沈津(Chun Shum) 哈佛大學藏拓片介紹 (Harvard Collection of Chinese Rubbings) 10:40-12:00 黃潤華(Huang Runhua) 國家圖書館(北京)金石拓片典藏概況 (Collection of Rubbings in the National Library, Beijing) 羅琳(Luo Lin) 中國科學院圖書館藏金石拓片介紹 (Collection of Chinese Rubbings in the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences) 古勝隆一(Ryuichi Kogachi) 京都大學收藏拓片介紹 (Collection of Chinese Rubbings in Kyoto University) 14:00-15:20 肖瓏(Xiao Long) 北京大學圖書館拓片收藏介紹 (Collection of Rubbings in Peking University) 楊正寬(文獻會)(Yang Cheng-Kwan) 台灣省文獻會藏拓片介紹 (Collection of Rubbings in the Historical Research Commission of Taiwan Province) 何傳馨(He Chuanxing) 故宮博物院(台北)有關拓片的蒐藏概況 (Collection of Chinese Rubbings in the Palace Museum, Taipei) 15:20-15:40 (Intermission) 15:40-17:30 陳亞寧、陳淑君、范紀文 (Arthur Chen, Chen Shujun, Fan Jiwen) 承古風,創新義:談Metadata 在拓片典藏的運用 (The Application of Metadata in the Rubbings Project) 陳雪華(Chen Hsueh-hua)、陳昭珍(Chen Chao chen) ROSS計畫與XML/Metadata管理系統─Metalogy的發展 (ROSS and Management System of XML/Metadata--- the development of Metalogy) 八月廿五日(星期五)(August 25) 09:00-10:20 Lewis Lancaster GIS and Temporal Markup for Chinese Rubbings 邢義田、劉增貴(Hsing I-tien, Liu Tseng-kuei) 漢畫與漢簡的資料處理 (Data Management of Rubbings and Wooden Slips of the Han Dynasty) Richard Schneider European Chinese Rubbings: Creating a Database 10:40-12:00 孫一鋼(Sun Yigang) 拓片元數據的技術實現 (Digitization of Rubbings---Technological Development) 肖瓏(Xiao Long) 中文文獻元數據示範項目進展 (Digitiztion of Chinese Materials--- A Report on Progress) Howie Lan A Model Workflow for Building up a Rubbing Management System 13:30-15:00 Visit the Rubbings Collection of the Institute of History and Philology 14:10-16:10 Hilde De Weerdt Metadata Standards for the Cataloguing of Rubbings: Issues and Prospects 黃銘崇、林晰(Hwang Ming-chorng, Lin Shin) 中央研究院典藏拓片網絡計畫的初步構想 (Establishment of Digital Rubbing Archives in Academia Sinica) 16:30-17:30 圓桌討論 (Round Table Discussion)