◆◇院區植物介紹專欄◇◆ Discovering our campus plants 白雞油與紅雞油 陳建志、趙淑妙 兩者除了幹皮有幾分相像外,沒有任何相似處。白雞油為羽狀複 葉,葉對生,花序明顯。紅雞油為單葉,互生,花小不明顯。中文 名稱相似純係幹紋近似之故。紅雞油之木材抗白蟻性良好,白雞油 則不然。 Formosan ash and Chinese elm Chien-Chih Chen, Shu-Miaw Chaw Both species have no more similarities except the characteristics of bark. Formosan ash has opposite, odd-pinnate leaves and obvious inflorescences, whereas Chinese elm has alternate, simple leaves and small flowers. Both Chinese common names are similar because their barks superficially resemble each other. The wood of Chinese elm helps protect against termites very well, while that of Formosan ash doesn't. 白雞油(又名:光蠟樹) 英文名:Formosan ash 學名(Scientific Name):Fraxinus formosama Hay. 科名(Family):木犀科 Oleaceae or Olive family 分  布:分布於印度、爪哇、印度尼西亞、菲律賓、中國大陸、 台灣與琉球。台灣分布於全島中低海拔。院區栽於動物 研究所門前兩側,此時七月正值果期。 形態特徵:半落葉大喬木;幹皮薄片狀剝落,留有雲形剝落痕;奇 數羽狀複葉,葉對生;小葉5-9枚,卵形至橢圓形,長 3-6公分,全緣。頂生圓錐花序密被柔毛,與葉等長或 稍長,花白色,兩性,花瓣4枚,雄蕊2枚;翅果含翼大 約2.5公分長,4公厘寬,先端有淺裂。 本屬植物全世界約有70種,主要分布於北半球溫帶區域;台灣有 兩種,另有一種為台灣梣 (F. insularis Hemsl.)。 Distribution: India, Java, Indonesia, the Philippines, mainland China, Taiwan, and the Ryukyus. At low and medium altitudes throughout the island. Cultivated in the front of the Institute of Zoology. Setting fruits in June - August. Characteristics: Semi-deciduous tree. Bark scaly peeling off and with cloud-like scar. Leaves opposite, odd- pinnate, with 5-9 leaflets, the latter ovate to elliptic, 3-6 cm long, entire. Inflorescences in terminal panicles, densely pubescent, longer than or as long as the leaves. Flowers white, bisexual, with 4 petals and 2 stamens. Fruit a samara, ca. 2.5cm long (including the wing), 4 mm broad, with a shallow notch at the apex. This genus, represented by about 70 species, mostly distributes in temperate regions of the northern hemisphere. In Taiwan there are two species (including Island ash, F. insularis Hemsl.). 紅雞油(又名︰榔榆) 英文名:Chinese elm 學名(Scientific Name):Ulmus parvifolia Jacq. 科名(Family):榆科Ulmaceae or Elm family 分  布:分布於日本、韓國、中國大陸。台灣產於中南部海拔900 公尺以下。院區栽植於統計科學研究所南側及網球場內。 形態特徵:落葉喬木;幹皮雲片狀剝落,留有雲形剝落痕;單葉, 互生,橢圓形、卵形或倒卵形,長 2-5公分,寬1-2公分, 葉基圓鈍形、歪斜,鋸齒緣。秋季開花,兩性,不具花瓣, 雄蕊4枚;翅果扁狀橢圓形,含翼長約10公厘、寬6-8公厘, 先端有凹缺。 榆屬植物全世界有25-30種,分布於北半球溫帶區域,台灣有兩種 (另一種為阿里山榆, Ulmus uyematsui Hayata)。常見栽種於庭 園、公園,以及馬路分隔島上(如研究院路一、二段)。榆科的另 一屬櫸屬(Zelkova)在台灣僅有一種—櫸(Z. serrata,又名雞 油),植物所腳踏車棚的東側栽有兩棵。 Distribution: Japan, Korea, and China. In the central and southern parts of the island at low elevation to 900 min altitude. Cultivated at the south side and inside tennis court of Institute of Statistical Science. Characteristics: Deciduous tree. Bark scaly peeling off and with cloud-shaped, brown scars. Leaves simple, alternate, elliptic, ovate to obovate, 2-5 cm long, 1-2 cm broad, base rounded to obtuse, oblique, margins sharply serrate. Flowering in autumn. Flowers bisexual, without petal, stamens 4. Fruit a flattened samara ca. 10 mm long, 6-8 mm broad, apex notched. This genus, represented by 25-30 species, mostly distributes in temperate regions of the northern hemisphere. In Taiwan there are two species (including Arishan elm, Ulmus uyematsui Hayata). Chinese elm is widely cultivated in yards, parks, and traffic islands as ornamental trees. In Taiwan the other genus (Zelkova) of the family has a single species called Taiwan zelkova (Zelkova serrata (Thunb.) Makino), which is also cultivated at the east side of the bicycle-shed of Institute of Botany.