◆ ◇院區植物介紹專欄◇◆ Discovering our campus plants 阿勃勒與水黃皮 陳建志、趙淑妙 兩者同屬於豆科植物,但分屬於不同的亞科。阿勃勒現今正在開 花,屬於蘇木亞科,偶數羽狀複葉,花瓣約略等大,黃色,花序長 而明顯,果莢黑色長棍狀。水黃皮於四月份開花,屬於蝶形花亞科, 奇數羽狀複葉,花冠蝶形呈淡紫色,果莢成熟後為淡褐色,形狀短 而扁。 Golden shower and poonga-oil tree Chien-Chih Chen, Shu- Miaw Chaw Both species belong to the family of Fabaceae, but they are of different subfamilies. Cassia fistula (golden shower), a member of the subfamily Caesalpinioideae, is now blooming (July). It has even-pinnate leaves, subequal and yellow petals, long and obvious inflorescence, and long cylindrical black pods. Pongamia pinnata (poonga-oil tree), a member of the subfamily Papilionoideae, blooms in April. It has odd-pinnate leaves, papilionaceous and pinkish petals, and short flattened light brown pods. 阿勃勒(波斯皂莢) 英文名:Golden shower 學名(Scientific Name):Cassia fistula L. 科名(Family):豆科Fabaceae or Pea family 分  布:外來的栽培觀賞植物,原產於錫蘭、印度的乾性森林。 院區可見於分子生物研究所門前、統計科學研究所後面 以及資訊科學研究所後面等處。 形態特徵:落葉喬木;一回偶數羽狀複葉;小葉3–8對,長8–15 公分。總狀花序腋生,花序下垂長於30公分,先開花而 後長葉,花色鮮黃亮麗而明顯。花瓣5,離生,大小略 等,長約2.5公分;雄蕊10枚,花絲黃色,彎成勾狀, 其中有三枚特長、四枚中等而另三枚較短為不孕性。莢 果長棍狀,長30-60公分,直徑2-3公分。 該屬植物全世界約有250種,主要分布於熱帶、亞熱帶 地區;在台灣所見本屬植物,全是引進栽培的,但亦有 部分種類已歸化。常見栽培的黃槐與決明都是這個屬的 植物。 Distribution: Widely cultivated in Taiwan. native of dry forests of Ceylon and India. On the campus it can be found in the front of Institute of Molecular Biology and the backyards of Institute of Statistical Science and Institute of Information Science. Characteristics: Deciduous tree. Leaves even-pinnate, with 3-8 pairs of leaflets, the latter 8-15 cm long; the new leaves expanding after the flowering period. Flowers in long hanging racemes, 30 cm long or longer, the petals 5, free, subequal, yellow, 2.5 cm long. Stamens 10, including 3 long and 4 medium ones (both fertile), and 3 short, sterile ones. It's fruit is a long cylindrical black pod, 30-60 cm long, 2-3 cm in diameter. This genus, represented by about 250 species, is the native of tropical and subtropical regions. In Taiwan, all species are introduced and some of them have become naturalized. 水黃皮 英文名:Poonga-oil tree 學名(Scientific Name):Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre ex Merr. 科名(Family):豆科Fabaceae or Pea family 分  布:分布於印度、馬來、廣東、台灣、菲律賓、琉球、北澳 洲。為台灣全島海岸林組成之一,亦產於小琉球、蘭嶼。 院區栽植於四分溪兩岸。 形態特徵:半落葉小喬木,一回奇數羽狀複葉;小葉對生,5–7枚, 長6–10公分。腋生總狀花序較短,蝶形花冠,淡紫色, 徑約2公分,各瓣基部癒合;雄蕊單體。莢果扁平,長6 公分,成熟不開裂;內含種子一枚。 本屬植物僅此一種。 Distribution: Indo-Malaya, S. China, Taiwan, the Philippines, the Ryukyus to N. Australia. In Taiwan, it can be found throughout the island in the coastal areas, including Hsiaoliuchiu and Lanyu. On the campus it is cultivated along both banks of Ssu- fen River. Characteristics: Semi-deciduous tree. Leaves odd-pinnate, with leaflets 5-7, each 6-10 cm long. Flowers racemose, axillary, papilionaceous, light pink, about 2 cm long; stamens 10, monadelphous (i.e. stamens united in one group by connation of their filaments). Pods strongly flattened, about 6 cm long, indehiscent; single-seeded. The genus has only a single species.