◆◇學術研討會◇◆ Recent Advances in Materials Research 材料化學的新進展 時  間:八十九年七月一日(星期六) 地  點:本院地球科學研究所二樓演講廳 主辦單位:本院化學研究所 09:30 周大新代所長致詞 09:45-10:45 吳茂昆院士(國立清華大學) The Physics and Chemistry of Ru-based Double Perovskite -- A Novel Magnetic Superconductor 11:15-12:15 崔章琪院士(IBM, T. J. Waston Research Center, New York) d-Wave Pairing Symmetry And Its Implications for High-temperature Superconductivity 14:00-15:00 毛河光院士(Carnegie Inst. of Washington Geophysical Lab) High Pressure -- A New Dimension in Materials Research 15:30-16:30 彭旭明院士(國立台灣大學) Metal String Complexes and Their Potential Application as Molecular Metalwires