◆◇學術研討會◇◆ 亞洲整合系列學術研討會-系列一:歐洲整合對東北亞的啟示 Asian Integration Series Conferences Series I: the Implication of European Integration for the Northeast Asia 暫訂議程 Programme (tentative) 時  間:八十九年四月十一日(星期二) 地  點:近代史研究所檔案館中型會議室 主辦單位:本院東北亞區域研究 08:30-09:00 Registration 報到 09:00-09:10 Opening Remarks 開幕致詞 Prof. Kuo-Shu Yang (Vice President, Academia Sinica, Taipei) Session I Moderator: Prof. Tsun-Wu Chang (張存武) 09:10-10:10 Dr. Kenneth K. L. Chan (陳家洛) Overcoming Diversity in Europe: Lessons for Asia 10:10-11:10 Dr. Chin-Peng Chu (朱景鵬) Regionalism and Regional Integration in the Asia-Pacific and the European Union: A theoretical and Empirical Comparison Session II Moderator: Dr. David W. F. Huang 11:20-12:20 Dr. Christopher Dent Political Economy of East Asian Integration 12:20-13:20 Dr. Chao-Jen Huang (黃兆仁) East Asian Regionalism after the Cold War: Rival States or Cooperative States? Session III Moderator: Prof. Tae-Hwan Kwak 14:20-15:20 Dr. Ken Endo Security Foundations of Economic Integration - A Comparison between East Asia and Western Europe 15:20-16:20 Dr. Guangyao Jin (金光耀) The Security Cooperation in Northeast Asia Session IV Moderator: Prof. Jone K. C. Wang ( 王國璋 ) 16:30-17:30 Dr. David W. F. Huang (黃偉峰) European and East Asian Economic Integration: Assessing the Role of Idea and Epistemic Community 17:30-18:30 Dr. Tae-Hwan Kwak (郭台煥) Korean Integration and Its Impact on Peace and Security in Northeast Asia