◆◇學術研討會◆◇ TAOS-變星 國際研討會 TAOS_Variable_Stars Workshop Schedule (Feb.4, 1999,Typhoon Lee) PLACE:Lecture Hall Biochemistry Building 1F. (生物化學研究所大樓一樓114室) Feb.25(Thu.) Chair:Wing IP 葉永烜  ̄ ̄ ̄ 09:15-09:30 Registering, openning remarks. 09:30-10:45 TAOS status TAOS primary objective and schedule, C. Alcock, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, 15 min. TAOS photometry, Axelrod, 澳洲國立大學 30 min Yu-Shan Site, Wen S. Tsay, 國立中央大學 15 min. TAOS software planning, Stuart Marshall LLNL 15 min. 11:00-12:30 Paczynski(Princeton Univ.)(I): 90min. Past, present, & future of OGLE experiment 13:30-15:00 Pacznski(II):90min. small & very small automated telescopes 15:15-16:45 Ron Taam(Northwestern Univ.)(I): 90 min cataclysmic variables, neutron star binaries. Feb. 26(Fri.) Chair:Chi Yuan  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ 09:15-10:45 Ron Taam(II):black hole transients, supernovae, gamma ray bursts. 11:00-12:30 Don Kurtz(Capetown Univ. South. Africa) (I):Some shorter period photo- metrically variable stars, eruptive variables,rotational variables. 13:30-15:00 Don Kurtz(II):pusalting variables & asteroseismology. 15:15-16:45 Doug Welch(McMaster Univ.Canada)(I) :MACHO experience, data pipeline, archiving. 17:00-18:30 TAOS photometry meeting(I) Feb. 27(Sat.) Chair:Fred Lo  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ 09:15-10:45 Doug Welch(McMaster Univ.)(II): variable stars, follow up, AGN variability 11:00-12:30 "stellar physics with TAOS" discussion (I) Byun(韓國延世大學):variable star research w/ TAOS telescope 15 min. Stuart Marshall:ROTSE experience & Gamma ray burster 15 min WP Chen:TAOS star field selection 15 min 13:30-15:00 discussion(II):impact on field selection, photometry strategy, archive structure, data pipelines, etc. 15:15-16:45 TAOS photometry meeting(II)