◆◇學術研討會◆◇ Schedule for 1998 IMB Retreat Pre-meeting 分子生物研究所1998年所內評鑑會於十二月十九日至廿一日舉行 ,此次應邀與會之知名學者專家於十二月十八日(星期五)假該所 地下室演講廳舉行聯合公開演講,歡迎同仁踴躍參加。詳細時間、 講員及講題如下: Dec. 18, 1998 at IMB 09:00~09:05  James C.-K. Shen(IMB, Academia Sinica)         Introduction 09:05~09:20  Shang-Fa Yang(Academia Sinica)         Opening Remarks          Chairperson:Shang-Fa Yang 09:20~10:00  Ralph Quatrano(Washington U.-St. Louis)          The role of the cytoskeleton and extracellular matrix in the establishment of cell polarity 10:00~10:40  Chu-Yung Lin(Natl. Taiwan U.)          Class I low molecular weight HSP in higher plants: Biochemical properties, chaperone activities, aonal domains          Chairperson:Chu-Yung Lin 10:55~11:35  Su-May Yu(IMB, Academia Sinica)          Sugar regulation of gene expression in plants 11:35~12:15  Sunney Chan(IC. Academia Sinica)          Protein folding and unfolding: Probing the free energy landscape of a protein          Chairperson:Jacqueline Whang-Peng 13:30~14:10  Max Birnstiel(IMP-Vienna)          Newest trends in immuno therapy of cancer 14:10~14:50  Ari Helenius(Swiss FIT)          How glycoproteins fold and assembly in the endoplasmic reticulum          Chairperson:James C.-K. Shen 15:10~15:50  Stanley Gartler (Washington U.-Seattle)          Hypomethylation, advanced replication time, and incomplete X-inactivation in cells from an ICG patient 15:50~16:30  Arthur Riggs(City of Hope)          Epigenetics, imprinting, and TDPCR, a technique for the study of chromatin and RNA structure 16:30~17:10  Peter Geiduschek(UCSD)          Transcription by RNA polymerase III