◆◇學術研討會◆◇ 統計科學研究所客座系列專題演講 時 間:十二月二日(星期三)至四日(星期五) 地 點:地球科學研究所二樓演講廳 主講人:李克昭教授 (Dept. of Statistics & Mathematics, UCLA, USA) 十二月二日(星期三)  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ 09:00∼10:30  Introduction:Dynamic Graphics, Principal Component Analysis, Dimension Reduction 11:00∼12:30  SIR:Basic Theory and Application 13:30∼15:00  SIR:Further Discussion 15:30∼17:00  PHD:Theory and Application 十二月三日(星期四)  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ 09:00∼10:30  Nonlinear Confounding:The Limitation of SIR/PHD 11:00∼12:30  Classification:Fisher's Linear Discriminant Analysis and SIR, Hand- Written Digit Recognition Problems 14:00∼16:00  Tree-Structured Regression via PHD and a New Approach to Analysis of Two Level Factorial Designs 十二月四日(星期五)    ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ 09:00∼10:30  Censored Regression and Error-in- Regressor Problems 11:00∼12:30  Nonlinear Time Series and Multivariate SIR 14:00∼16:00  Other Research Topics and Conclusion