◆◇學術研討會◆◇ 太平洋珊瑚礁生態及保育國際研討會 International Symposium on Ecology and Conservation of Coral Reef in the Pacific 第六屆珊瑚礁生物研討會 6th Coral Reef Conference 主辦單位:太平洋科學協會中華民國委員會、中央研究院、行政 院國家科學委員會、行政院農業委員會、中央研究院 院動物研究所、墾丁國家公園管理處、中華民國珊瑚 礁學會 協辦單位:國立海洋生物博物館籌備處、台北海洋生活館、墾丁 福華渡假飯店 地  點:中央研究院動物研究所 時  間:民國八十七年十一月十七日至十九日 專題演講: Prof. Jeremy B. Jackson (Scripps Institute of Oceanography, Univ. of California at San Diego, USA) What If Anything Is Sustainable On Coral Reefs? (珊瑚礁究竟還有什麼可以永續?) Prof. Terrence Hughes (Department of Marine Biology, James Cook Univ., Australia) Large-Scale Processes On Coral Reefs (珊瑚礁的大尺度變遷) Prof. Terry Done (Australian Institute of Marine Science, Australia) Performance Indices For Management Of Coral Reef Ecosystem (珊瑚礁生態系管理的優劣指標) Prof. Edgardo Gomez (The Marine Science Institute, Univ. of Philippines, Philippines) Coral Reef Conservation In A Developing Country:After 20 Years, Has The Philippines Made Progress? (開發中國家的珊瑚礁保育:菲律賓在二十年之後進步了嗎?) Prof. Richard Grigg (Institute of Oceanography, Univ. of Hawaii, USA) Holocence Coral Reef Accretion In Hawaii:A Function Of Wave Exposure And Sea Level History (夏威夷全新世珊瑚礁的生長:海浪暴露的功能與海平面的歷史) Prof. Robert Rowan (Marine Laboratory, Univ. of Guam, USA) How Do Coral-Algal Symbioses Cope With Environmental Challenges? (珊瑚與共生藻的共生關係如何應付環境變遷的挑戰?) Prof. Angela Douglas (Department of Biology, Univ. of York, UK) Zooxanthellae In Corals:Does Molecular Diversity Matter ? (珊瑚的共生藻:分子歧異度重要嗎?) Prof. Chuck Birkeland (Marine Laboratory, Univ. of Guam, USA) Why Some Reef Recover And Other Do Not? (為何有些珊瑚礁可以恢復而有些卻不能呢?) Prof. Howard Choat (Department of Marine Biology, James Cook Univ., Australia) HerbivZAory By Fishes On Coral Reefs: Does It Occur, And Is Important And If It Doesn't? (珊瑚礁魚類的草食作用:真的發生嗎?而且重要嗎?如果不是呢 ?) Prof. Bette Willis (Department of Marine Biology, James Cook Univ., Australia) New Perspectives On Hybrids And Species Borders In The Coral Genus Acropora (軸孔珊瑚屬的雜交與種界定的新觀點) Prof. Charlies Veron (Australian Institute of Marine Science, Australia) Reticulate Evolution: The Alternative Paradigm (網狀演化:另一種範例) Prof. Yehuda Benayahu (Department of Zoology, Tel Aviv Univ., Israel ) Soft Coral (Octocorallia) From Taiwan (臺灣產軟珊瑚)