◆◇學術研討會◆◇ 中法有機合成小型研討會 時  間:八十七年五月廿二日(星期五) 地  點:本院化學研究所(前棟地下室演講廳) 09:20-09:30 陳長謙所長  致歡迎詞 09:30-10:20 Professor Jean-Francois Biellmann(Universite Louis Pasteur) Enzymatic Resolution Using Cholesterol Oxidase 10:20-11:10 何子樂教授(國立交通大學應化系)          Some Techniques of Organic Synthesis 11:10-12:00 Professor Bruno Figadere (Facultede Pharmacie, Universite Paris-Sud) Mechanism of Action and Total Synthesis of Annonaceous Acetogenins and Analogues 13:00-13:50 羅芬臺教授(本院化學研究所)           The Use of Chlorotrimethylsilane in Organic Synthesis 13:50-14:40 Professor Charles Mioskowski(Universite Louis Pasteur) Total Synthesis of Halomon 15:00-15:50 沙晉康教授(國立清華大學化學系)         Anionic Cyclization Approaches toward Perhydroindole and Perhydrofuran: Application to the Total Synthesis of Natural Products 15:50-16:40 Professor Michel Vaultier(Universite de Rennes)          Boron Chemistry as an Efficient Tool for Stereoselective Carbon- Carbon and Carbon-Nitrogen Bonds Formation 聯絡人:周大紓教授(本院化學所) Tel:2789-8554、Fax:2783-1237 陸大榮教授(中興大學化學系)Tel:04-2850533、Fax:04-2858475