◆◇學術研討會公告◆◇ 生物物理化學研討會第四屆生物物理新知研討會會前會 時間:五月十三日﹝星期三﹞ 地點:化學所地下一樓演講廳 10:00 - 10:30 報到 10:30 - 11:00 歡迎 陳長謙所長、蕭明熙及張定國研究員 11:00 - 11:50 Drug Design for Sickle Cell Disease - A New Approach Eaton Lattman, The Johns Hopkins University 11:50 - 13:00 午餐 13:00 - 13:50 Computer Assisted Sequence Specific Assignments of 2D NMR: How CAPRI from TRIPOS Works Bryan C. Sanctuary, McGill University 13:50 - 14:20 Novel AC Paired Motif in DNA 國立中興大學  周三和 14:20 - 14:50 Synthesis and Evaluation of Indolo [2,1-b] quinazoline Derivatives as Multidrug Resistance- Reversing Agents 國立台灣大學 陳基旺 14:50 - 15:20 Fluorescence Tracing and Protein Expression of Baculoviruses 中央研究院分子生物研究所  趙裕展    ∼欲報名者請傳真:2783-1237甘魯生先生∼