◆◇讀者來文◆◇ 澄清中國時報四月十日第七版有關〞林仁良〞之報載 (*本專欄作者意見不代表本報立場) Some of you may have see the China Times newspaper article reporting my paper in Nature. I'm saddened and dismayed by the whole process of trying to promote astronomy to the general public in one of the most effective mediums in Taiwan:the newspaper. The side article on "Young Research Award" comes as both a surprise and shock to me and everybody in my institute. We have no complaints about the judgement process in deciding this award, nor did we raise this issue with the reporter. To set the record straight, I didn't even apply for this award last year. Some reporters seem to see a need for running a controversial story at any cost. Suffice to say that I have no intentions of dealing with this reporter in the future, although I will try to keep promoting astronomy in Taiwan as best as I can. I deeply regret the harm this article has done to my Institute ,the Academy, and most of all its superb President. Sincerely, Jeremy Lim 關於中國時報四月十日第七版所載有關本人在「自然」科學雜誌 上所發表的文章,本人覺得有必要澄清一項錯誤。 中國時報上「林仁良曾是中研院遺珠」一文是完全沒有根據的報 導。這裡有必要指出本人並不曾申請本院的「傑出年輕研究人員著 作獎」。所內同仁對院方挑選此獎項之得獎人並無任何異議。再者 ,我們也沒有向這位文章的撰稿者提到有關這方面的問題。 對於這次在台灣最有效的大眾媒體-報紙-推廣天文學的整個過 程中,本人感到十分遺憾的是:一些記者似乎不惜代價地要寫一些 具有煸動性的文章,以致歪曲事實的真實性。本人將不再與這位撰 稿者合作,同時本人也向中研院院長及天文與天文物理所致上最深 的歉意。 最後,本人仍將繼續在台灣推廣天文學的工作。 (天文所助理研究員林仁良謹致)