◆◇學術研討會◆◇ 第五屆台北天文物理研討會The 5th Taipei Astrophysics Workshop on Cosmology Cosmic Microwave Background & Large Scale Structure of the Universe 宇宙背景輻射與大尺度結構 本院天文及天文物理研究所籌備處與國立中央大學天文所合辦「 第五屆台北天文物理研討會(TAW5)」,將於今年十二月十八∼二 十日(星期四∼星期六),在國立中央大學科四館二樓會議廳舉行 ;廿一日(星期日)在本院地球科學研究所二樓演講廳舉行。本次 研討會主題「宇宙背景輻射與大尺度結構」,不但是目前國際天文 界的重要課題,亦是我國未來發展天文的重點之一。數十位國內外 重要天文、物理及天文物理界學者,將與會提出論文報告。發現宇 宙微波背景輻射的Bobert Wilson博士(該發現對大霹靂說成為當今 宇宙學的主流有決定性的影響,並使他獲得1978年諾貝爾獎)及國 人所熟知的天文物理學家方勵之教授都將出席會議。TAW5會議之論 文集將透過「太平洋地區天文學會(ASP)」向全球發行。屆時歡迎 同仁踴躍出席會議。有關大會議程及其他詳情,可參訪TAW5的網頁 :http: //biaa.sinica.edu.tw/taw5. ╭──────────────╮ │ Workshop Schedule Summary │ ╰──────────────╯ December 17, 1997 13:30 Registration (Room 1012, Science IV Building, NCU) 中央大學科四館十樓天文所辦公室 December 18-20,1997 noon Workshop: (Room 209, Science IV Building, NCU) 中央大學科四館二樓會議廳 December 20, 1997 Afternoon Excursion: National Palace Museum December 20, 1997 Evening Workshop Banquet: Taipei December 21, 1997 Morning Workshop: 2nd Floor Lecture Hall, Inst. of Earth Science, Academia Sinica 中央研究院地球科學研究所二樓演講廳 ╭─────────────╮ │ TAW5 Program研討會議程 │ ╰─────────────╯ (任何更動請以TAW5網頁http://biaa.sinica.edu.tw/taw5/公佈 資料為準) December 18 (Thursday) Room 209, Science IV Building, National Central University Morning (Chair: Fred Lo) 09:00∼09:10 Opening Address: C-H Liu, President of the National Central University 09:10∼09:45 R. Wilson: Receivers for the CMBR: An Improvement in Sensitivity by 3000X in the Last Two Decades 09:45∼10:30 L-Z Fang: Searching for Three Numbers 1970-1997: An Overview of the "Standard" Big Bang 10:50∼11:50 L Page: Measuring the Anisotropy in the Cosmic Microwave Background 11:50∼12:20 N Turok: Inflation* Afternoon Special Section supported by the NSC Center for Theoretical Sciences 13:45∼15:30 (Chair: T-H Chiueh) 13:45∼14:30 C-P Ma: Cosmological Structure Formation 14:30∼15:00 Y Jing: Spatial Correlation Function and Pairwise Velocity Dispersion of Galaxies: CDM Models versus the Las Campanas Survey 15:00∼15:30 Z Fan: Statistics of Initial Fluctuations in the Universe 16:00∼18:15 (Chair: C-P Ma) 16:00∼16:45 U-L Pen: Gasdynamical Simulations of Clusters of Galaxies 16:45∼17:15 L-Z Fang: Testing Structure Formation Models by Space-Scale-Decomposition 17:15∼17:45 T-H Chiueh: Gravitational Intermittent Cascades 17:45∼18:15 Y-Q Lou: Dynamics of Magnetized Spiral Galaxies December 19(Friday) Room 209, Science IV Building, National Central University Morning (Chair: U-L Pen) 09:00∼10:00 J Carlstrom: Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect and Measurements 10:00∼10:30 S Staggs: The CMBR Temperature at 11 GHz 10:50∼11:50 H Liang: Combined Analysis of Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect, X-ray and Lensing Effects in Clusters of Galaxies 11:50∼12:20 K-W Ng: CMB Polarization Afternoon (Chair: W-H Sun) 13:35∼14:20 Y Suto: Cosmological Implications of X-ray Clusters of Galaxies 14:20∼14:50 L-W Chen: Physical Properties of the Intergalactic Medium 14:50∼15:20 C-Y Hwang: An Inverse-Compton Process for the Excess Diffuse Extreme-Ultraviolet Emission from the Virgo and Coma Galaxy Clusters 15:50∼16:50 X-P Wu: Baryon Crisis in Cosmology 16:50∼17:20 Y Suto: Cosmological Redshift-Space Distortion of Galaxies and Quasars at High Redshifts 17:20∼17:50 C-P Ma: Weighing Superclusters 17:50∼18:20 A Schroeder: Large-Scale Structures behind the Milky Way from Near-IR Surveys December 20(Saturday) Room 209, Science IV Building, National Central University Morning (Chair: K-W Ng) 08:50∼09:50 C Alcock: Dark Matter in the Macho Project 09:50∼10:20 S-C Lee: Status of Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer Experiment 10:40∼11:10 H Wong: Massive Neutrinos as Dark Matter: An Overview of Laboratory Experiments 11:10∼11:40 H-Y Cheng: Axion and the Strong CP Problem 11:40∼12:10 C Kao: Relic Density of Neutralino Dark Matter in Supergravity Models 12:10∼12:40 W-K Sze: Pseudo-Dirac Muon Neutrinos as HDM Candidates Afternoon (Excursion & banquet), Taipei December 21(Sunday) 2nd Floor Lecture Hall, Institute of Earth Science, Academia Sinica Morning 09:00∼10:30 (Chair: C-P Ma) 09:00∼10:00 P Steinhardt: Quintessential Cosmology: New Models for the Evolution of Large-Scale Structure 10:00∼10:30 V Burdyuzha: Dark Matter and the Problem of Early Cosmological Structure Production 10:50∼12:40 (Chair: T-H Chiueh) 10:50∼11:10 J-H Wu: Structure Formation Seeded by Cosmic Strings 11:10∼11:40 U-L Pen: Nonlinear Stochastic Galaxy Biasing 11:40∼12:40 P Goldreich: Closing Remark: Astrophysics and Cosmology into the 21st Century* * To be confirmed