◆◇服務看板◆◇ 徵募義工種子教師 為使每一個孩子都有均等機會學習世界重要語文,英語。去(八 十五)年九月教改會提出了國小學生必修適量英語課程方案。北市 教育局、信誼基金會為此做了相當多的努力,其中之一是商請司馬 老師 (Mrs. Julie Sormark)以其三十餘年英語教學經驗,編寫了一 套國小英語教材,並於今年九月正式在十九所小學試辦三年級英語 教學。 目前,因師資極為不足,司馬老師計劃培訓一批種子教師,種子 老師將再培訓國小英語老師。因此,我們需要義工加入,如果本院 同仁眷屬具有英語語文能力,且熱心兒童教育,請考慮參加培訓, 成為種子教師。歡迎您來電聯絡:田昕(651-0291);朱敏蕙 (653-0219);楊惠如(782-7850);劉容貴(783-0552)。 (秘書組胡 若蘭提供) Position Wanted/English Editor Education:Juris Doctor Degree from University of San Diego, BA degree from San Diego State University Experience:Amnesty International Taiwan; drafting and editing a variety of documents related to human rights issues. Taught legal English at Soo Chow School of Law. Drafted and edited insurance documents for Kuo Hua Insurance. Please contact:Brian L. Kennedy voice(02)371-0931;fax(02)371-0927 email:aitaiwan@transend.com.tw (植物所趙淑妙提供) Native Speaker of English Needed We need a friendly native speaker of English to conduct conversation classes with us during our noon break. Classes are conveniently held in Academia Sinica for employees in the Administrative Building. Some details of scheduling can be arranged at convenience of instructor. Students are exceptionally attentive, earnest, and competent. No English teaching experience required, just interest in language and willingness to conduct a class. Please direct enquire to Scott Davis(Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Office Telephone: 789-5752).(秘書組劉悅容提供) 房屋出售 研究院路二段70巷內,約28坪,總價560萬,二房二廳。意者請電 :651-3046李小姐。(社會所籌備處陳小姐提供) 房屋出租 北市民權東路六段296巷31弄1號4樓,32坪,三房二廳,一套半衛 浴。近超市,交通便利,租金面洽。意者請電:(日)696-1100 ext 627,(夜)458-1999劉小姐。(計算中心唐其慶提供)