「第二屆低溫物理」研討會 物理研究所定六月十七日、十八日,在該所一樓演講室,舉辦「 第二屆低溫物理研討會」 (2nd Workshop on Low Temperature Physics) ,將有學者專家七十餘人與會,約發表論文二十篇, 研討會之議程如下: 六月十七日 19:05-09:55 主持人:胡進錕 Halperin:"Theory of the Half-Filled Landau Level" 孫允武:"Fractional Quantum Hall Effect in BiLayer Electron System" 10:40-11:30 主持人:古煥球 何建民:"The Anomalous Pr Effect in High-Tc Related Systems" 管惟炎:"Paramagnetic Effect in Superconducting HoBa2Cu3O7-y Films-A Hint for dwave Super conductivity ?" 13:20-14:30 主持人:姚永德 吳茂昆:"Study of Chemical Dopping Effects on YBCuO-The Correlation Between Bound Valence Sum and Physical Properties" 田聰:UCuZA12:A New Heavy Fermion System? 楊弘敦:"Low Temperature Calorimetric Studies on Superconductivity and Magnetism" 15:10-17:20 主持人:陳洋元 Jon Lawrence:"Large and Small Energy Scales in Heavy Fermions" 游元鵬:"The Evolution of Pinned Vortices of Helium II Between Co-rotating Concentric Cylinders" 胡進錕:"Renormalization Group Calculation of Order Parameter for Dilute Magnets at Low Temperatures" 賴秋助:"Magnetic Transport and Structural Studies of the Anisotropic (Tl,Pb, Cu, Hg) Ba2Pr2Cu2O7 System" 謝志宏:"The Magnetic and Superconducting Properties in Pb2Sr2(Pr1-xCax)Cu3O8" 六月十八日 09:00-10:00 主持人:陳政維 林水田:"Electric, Magnetic and Thermal Properties of Quasicrystals Al70Pd20Mn10 and Al70Pd20Mn7Fe3" 洪姮娥:Hall Effects on High TC Superconductors 洪在明:"Antiferromagnetism and Superconductivity in Heavy-Fermion Compounds" 10:40-11:40 主持人:李文獻 陳文忠:"Novel Ground State Properties of the 2D t-J Model" 楊鴻昌:"Tunneling and Imagins Studies in YBa2Cu3Oy Thin Films" 陳憬燕:"Some Experimental Results of a Home Made Adiabatic Calorimeter" 13:20-14:50 主持人:何建民 陳政維:"C(T)and Hc2(T) Studies of YNi2B2C" 李文獻:"Dimensionality and Scattering Profiles" 姚永德:"Specific Heat Study of Metals in Magnetic Field" 陳洋元:"Thermodynamic Properties of the Heavy-Fermion Compound (Ce, La) 3Al"