《學術研討會》 細胞訊息傳遞研討會:最新發展與例子 地點:本院學術活動中心二樓第一會議室舉行 時間 :五月六日( 星期五)、五月七日(星期六) 五月六日(星期五) 09:30 - 12:20 主持人:吳金洌、何仁傑 何仁傑:Signal Transduction, a Forever Growing Field Since 1957 林仁混:Inhibition of Tumor Promotion through Blocking Signal Transduction Joel Moss:ADP-ribosylating Toxins and G Protein: Insights into Signal Transduction (1) Hsiang-Fu Kung:Phospholipase C Signaling I: Characterization, Purification and Molecular Cloning of Phospholipase C 13:30 - 17:20 主持人:高閬仙:張槐耀 張槐耀:Calmodulin Plays a Pivotal Role in Signal Transduction 楊春茂:Bradykinin Receptors and Signal Transduction in Cultured Canine Tracheal Smooth Muscle Cells 闕小輝:Calcium Signaling Induced by Bradykinin is Synergistically Enhanced by High K+ in NG108-15 Cells Ernest Y.C. Lee: The Serine/Threonine Phosphoprotein Phosphatases 莊寧寧:Phosphotyrosyl Protein Phosphatase as a Regulator in Signal Transduction 黃銓珍:Molecular Cloning and Expression of a Carp JAK1 Which is a New Member of the JAK Family 五月七日(星期六) 09:00 - 12:15 主持人:周成功、Ernest Y.C. Lee、金克寧、 Hsiang-Fu Kung Ernest Y.C. Lee: Expression and Mutagenesis of Protein Phosphatase-1 周成功:The v-ras Oncogene Blocks Transforming Growth Factor-βInduced Programmed Cell Death in Human Hepatoma Cells 楊性芳:Ras Transformation Results in an Elevated Level of Cyclin D1 and Acceleration of G1 Progression in NIH3T3 Cells Hsiang-Fu Kung:Phospholipase C Signaling II: Mitogenic and Catalytic Activities of Phospholipase C 金克寧:Structural-Functional Analysis of Human PI-PLCδ1 13:30 -17:15 主持人:林欽塘、Joel Moss、余玉林 Joel Moss:ADP-ribosylating Toxins and G Protein: Insights into Signal Transduction (2) 張富雄:Dynamic Aspects ofαSubunit of Gs in Signal Transduction 林欽塘:Potential Role of Go Protein in Regulation of Assembly/Disassembly of Microtubules and Mitotic Spindles 何仁傑:Role of Adenylate Cyclase in Signal Transduction 陳儀莊:Protein Phosphorylation Mediates the Inhibition of Adenylyl Cyclase during Desensitization of the A2a-Adenosine Receptor Mediated cAMP Response 廖欽峰:Diversity of Muscarinic Receptor Signaling: The M5 Receptor Triggers Different Patterns of Cal cium Signaling in Different Host Cells 「中西社會政策」學術研討會 地點:歐美研究所新研究大樓一樓會議廳 時間 :五月七日(星期六) 09:20 - 10:50 主持人:石曜堂 評論人:王國羽、陳九五 傅立葉:中美全民健保政策發展的政治分析 劉仲冬:以美英兩國健康政策及醫療問題鏡鑒我國全民健保 11:00 - 12:30 主持人:白秀雄 評論人:吳博修、馮燕 侯崇文:中美少年刑事司法政策之比較 鄭麗嬌:美國各州「兒童救濟金」社會福利方案之評估研究 14:00 - 15:30 主持人:王正 評論人:林萬億、張金鶚 詹火生:政府在社會政策中的角色與功能:中美兩國之比較 陳小紅:中美住宅政策評析 15:40 - 17:10 主持人:詹火生 評論人:朱志宏、黃茂榮 曹俊漢:美國聯邦補助金制度之研究:執行績效的評析 林明鏘:德國行政補助政策及其制度-兼論我國行政補助政策與制度