International Symposium on Surfaces and Thin Films
「International Symposium on Surfaces and Thin Films」,將有
SessionⅠ M.A. van Hove Surface Structure Determination:
Details vs. the Big Picture
C.T. Chan and K.M. Ho Investigations of Surface Structures
with First Principles Total Energy Calculations
T. Sakurai FI-STM Study of Fullerenes
SessionⅡ T.E. Madey The Growth and Morphological
Stability of Ultrathin Metal Films on Metal and Oxide
W.S. Fann Near Field Optical Microscope: Principles and
A.M. Bradshaw The Structure of Molecules and Molecular
Fragments Adsorbed on Metal Surfaces
SessionⅢ Chairman: Prof. C.S. Shern
R.F. Willis Magnetism in the Monolayer Thickness Limit
A.A. Villaeys, M. Hayaski and S.H. Lin Theoretical
Description of Steady State Sum-Frequency Generation
T.S. Gau and S.L. Chang Exact Calculation of Surface
Rod-Scan Using X-Ray Dynamical Theory
W.H. Tsai, Y.M. Lian and J.G. Newman Characterization of H~S1;2~I;O-Plasma
Treated Polystyrene Films
SessionⅠ P. Avouris Probing the Wave Properties and
Confined State of Electrons at Surfaces with the STM
Y.M. Mo Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Study and Control of
Surface Kinetics at the Atomic Level
T.T. Tsong An Atomic Level Study of the Dynamical Behavior
and Energetics of Solid Surfaces
SessionⅡ I.S. Hwang, S.K. Theiss and J.A. Golovchenko
Mobile Point Defects and the Atomic Basis for the Structural
Transformations of a Germanium Surface
C.S. Chang, H.N. Lin, W.B. Su and T.T. Tsong Field-Induced
Atom Transfer of Gold and Platinum Systems in the Scanning
Tunneling Microscope Configuration
Y. Murata Desorption Mechanism on Laser-Induced Desorption
of NO and CO from Pt Surfaces
SessionⅢ C.C. Chang Molecular Dynamics Simulations of
Ion Irradiation Effects on Single-Crystal Surfaces
J.E. Butler Diamond Chemical Vapor Deposition Growth
K.D. Shiang, T.T. Tsong A Molecular Dynamic Study of
Self-Diffusion and Surface Reconstruction
SessionⅠ J. Kirz Soft X-ray Microscopy
G.D.W. Smith Three Dimensional Atom Probe Analysis
C.M. Wei, I.H. Hong and Y.C. Chou A New Direct Surface
Structure Probe by Inverting Measured Kikuchi Electron
SessionⅡ Y. Sato Recent Topics in Diamond CVD
Y. Liou Emission Spectroscopy Study of Diamond Formation
H.C. Shih, S.L. Sung, L.K. Lin and W.P. Chang ~I;Synthesis,
Characterization and Application of CVD Diamond Films
SessionⅢ T.J. Chuang Surface Chemical Processes Induced
and Probed by Lasers
Y.L. Wang Diffusion and Aggregation of Oxide on Liquid
Gallium Surface: Non-Equilibrium Growth Kinetics in 2+1
黃蒨芸 蜂巢狀陶瓷纖維基材塗佈矽膠作為除濕材料的應用