{"id":5120,"date":"2019-01-31T00:00:49","date_gmt":"2019-01-30T16:00:49","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/newsletter.sinica.edu.tw/en\/?p=5120"},"modified":"2021-01-05T10:24:04","modified_gmt":"2021-01-05T02:24:04","slug":"the-2020-academia-sinica-thematic-research-program-now-accepting-applications-submission-deadline-march-25-2019","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/newsletter.sinica.edu.tw/en\/5120\/","title":{"rendered":"The 2020 Academia Sinica Thematic Research Program Now Accepting Applications"},"content":{"rendered":"

The 2020 Academia Sinica Thematic Research Program accepts applications online till March 25, 2019. <\/strong><\/p>\n

Applications received after the deadline will not be reviewed.<\/p>\n

1. The Thematic Research Program (the Program) of Academia Sinica (AS) aims to support projects with research advantages, potential and breakthroughs in accordance with its medium and long-term academic development. The Program encourages AS research teams to put forward an integrated (with subprojects) or a collaborative (without subprojects) project proposal. There are no limits set on the number of project directors or subprojects of an integrated project. Proposals should be prepared to reflect actual research needs.<\/p>\n

2. Final results of the applications will be announced in October 2019, and selected projects will commence on January 1, 2020 upon receipt of budget plan approvals by legislation. All project directors (excluding Co-PIs) shall sign the \u201cProject Execution Agreement, Academia Sinica Thematic Research Program\u201d before project inception.<\/p>\n

3. All applications will be accepted online only. Please go to the homepage of AS or http:\/\/db3n2u.sinica.edu.tw\/~textdb\/program\/index.php.<\/a><\/strong><\/em><\/p>\n

4. Applicants should refer to the \u201cGuidelines for Applications for Funding from the Academia Sinica Thematic Research Program,\u201d complete the online application, and make sure all needed materials are uploaded to the Academia Sinica On-Line Service System in time.<\/p>\n

Contacts at the Department of Academic Affairs and Instrument Service are as follows.<\/p>\n